Being Thankful

It's one of those things that goes around every year on Facebook.  You know. . .the 30 days of thankfulness for Thanksgiving and some even do it for Christmas.  That's cool.  I do read some of them and they do remind me of some things I'm thankful for.

Here's something I'm thankful for. . .God loves me!

Now before you start nodding in agreement, let me explain how I got to this conclusion.

This will be our fist Christmas as parents.  And that's quite a miracle in itself - to read more on this click here.  I was thinking about the incredible opportunity Cindy & I have to share Christmas with Joshua for the first time and the miracle that it is, and the very first thing that popped into my head was "God loves me!"

Then I caught myself and realized that yes, God does love me, but not because He thought Cindy & me worthy to be the receptors of a miracle, but because He sent His only Son to be my Redeemer and Savior.  Isn't that why we celebrate Christmas?  Because of Immanuel?

Yet, how many times do we equate God's love with something that happens in our lives?  How demeaning is that?!  It's like saying, "Hey God, now I know your REALLY love me, thanks for the ________ (fill in the blank)."

God doesn't have to do another thing and He would still love us all the same.  He doesn't have to prove His love anymore than He already has through the gift of His Son, Jesus.

Yes, God does bless His children.  And He may even do it because He loves us.  But He doesn't have to prove His love to you and me.  He doesn't owe us anymore than He's already given.

Take some time to thank Him for the gift of the Christ-Child.

Blessings. . .


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