This one is for the men
After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.” - Nehemiah 4:14
Today, my eye was drawn to this verse. It could have been that it's already underlined in my Bible. It could have been because it's an incredible "locker room speech." Then, it could also be because of Nehemiah's reminder to the people, and to me, that the LORD is great and awesome. To tell you the truth, It's probably all the above.
Regardless of why I was drawn back to this verse, the more I read it and pondered its parts, the more it just sounded like great advice for men, especially dads.
As we get closer to holding Joshua, our son, in our own hands, I am becoming very much aware of my responsibilities as a father and a husband. For some of you, this has been a reality for quite some time. For me, not so much. To find out why and bring you up to speed, read this.
While Nehemiah is speaking to the leaders and the people as a whole, I think there's some pretty clear advice for today's men:
Remember the LORD is great and awesome
Today, my eye was drawn to this verse. It could have been that it's already underlined in my Bible. It could have been because it's an incredible "locker room speech." Then, it could also be because of Nehemiah's reminder to the people, and to me, that the LORD is great and awesome. To tell you the truth, It's probably all the above.
Regardless of why I was drawn back to this verse, the more I read it and pondered its parts, the more it just sounded like great advice for men, especially dads.
As we get closer to holding Joshua, our son, in our own hands, I am becoming very much aware of my responsibilities as a father and a husband. For some of you, this has been a reality for quite some time. For me, not so much. To find out why and bring you up to speed, read this.
While Nehemiah is speaking to the leaders and the people as a whole, I think there's some pretty clear advice for today's men:
Remember the LORD is great and awesome
Whatever we do, it will not be enough when we try to do it in our own strength or our own abilities. And what an encouragement, huh? Remember that when life gets difficult, we serve a God who is great and awesome. I know that sometimes this can be one of those "easier said than done" things, but it doesn't mean its not true. It's the God we serve and who fights for us, men. Keep that in mind as you leave for the office today or when you come home and life seems like it's in chaos.Fight for your brothers
Nehemiah was referring to their Jewish brothers, but I don't think it's too far fetched to think about fighting for our brothers in Christ. And, yes, that could be a neighbor, a friend, or a physical brother. And at one time or another, guys, we need someone who will fight for us. . .someone who will get our backs. And we need there's a guy or two in our lives who need us to fight for them. I've been on both sides of that statement. Sometimes, it's easier to fight for someone else, than it is to let someone fight for us. Doesn't mean it's not necessary, just means it's not a comfortable place to be. If you've ever seen the series Band of Brothers, then you know what I mean. If you haven't seen it, get it and watch it. Then you'll know what I mean.Fight for your sons and daughters
Who else is given this responsibility? I mean, c'mon guys. If you're a dad, then fight for your children. Some of you fight more WITH your children than you do FOR your children. I know it seems kinda obvious, but as a professor of mine once said, "Sometimes the obvious needs to be stated." Fight for them spiritually by praying for them regularly. At times, we will need to defend them. And they need to see and hear it. They need to know that Dad believes in them and will stand up for them. This is a lesson God's been preparing me for. I pray for Joshua on a regular basis. Sometimes it's in the quiet and darkness of the night. Sometimes, it's while I'm driving down the road. And sometimes I place my hand on him and let him hear me pray and fight for him.Fight for your wives and your homes
If you're anything like me, then there are times when you fight for your job, the mission statement, the Texas Longhorns (ok, maybe not the Longhorns, but you get my drift) before you fight for your wife. We'll stand up for everything and everyone except the one whom, together, we are to become one flesh. Yet we'll put almost everyone else ahead of them. They get leftovers! Men, fight for your wives! Your wife deserves more than leftovers! They deserve all your energy and focus. Get up earlier. Go to bed later. Talk with them. Pray with and over them. Laugh with them. Dream with them. And FIGHT for them. Do whatever it takes to show them they are the most important person in your life!This morning this was a great reminder to me. I hope it's been a great reminder for you.