I'm reading and teaching through Nehemiah for the umpteenth time. It's one of those books in the Bible that really speaks to me. This week I've been hanging out in chapter 2.

GOD didn't just give Nehemiah an assignment - rebuild the wall and gates around Jerusalem, GOD have him a GOD-Sized, GOD-Blessed Mission (GSGBM).  (You would think I work for the government the way I throw around abbreviations, eh? Yeah, I'm skilled like that.)  Can you imagine being responsible for that assignment?

In verses 8 & 18 Nehmiah, "And because the gracious hand of my God was on me, the king granted my requests." And, "I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me."  "God's gracious hand was on me". . .This seems to be a theme in Nehemiah's life as he pursued his GSGBM from GOD.

I do believe that some Christ-followers have GSGBMs!  I really do.  They're the ones who are feeding the hungry, making sure children have shoes, water, or a home to live in.  They're the people we look at fondly and in some way want to be like them.

I think we could all have GSGBMs. . .if it weren't for our BIG BUTs!  We say things like. . .
  • "I  would love to go on a mission trip, BUT, I don't have the money.
  • "I would love to serve the homeless, BUT, I don't have the time.
  • "I would love to help out in the preschool, BUT, I don't know what to do.
  • "I would love to help people in crisis, BUT, I'm not sure where to start."
  • "I would love to tell my friend about Jesus, BUT, what if they say 'No'?"
  • "I would follow GOD into full time ministry, BUT, I'm not sure how I would provide for my  family."
  • "I would love to ______________(fill in the blank), BUT, ___________________(now fill in the this blank)."
Nehemiah could have said the same thing. . .

  • "I  would love to go to Jerusalem, BUT, I don't have the money.
  • "I would love to rebuild the wall, BUT, the king probably won't let me.
  • "I  would love to help out my brothers, BUT, what if they don't help or like me?"

Yeah, that whole stinkin' BIG BUT gets in the way all the time, doesn't it?  And it's what keeps us from receiving and accomplishing GSGBMs.  Ever noticed that BIG BUTs and "don't" often go hand-in-hand?

Yet, BUTs are GOD's  job.  It's often the detail(s) that HE works out in the process so you can see His gracious hand of blessing. . .so you know it's really GOD and not just a fancy, schmancy idea you came up with or the pizza you ate late last night.

Nehemiah trusted GOD and shared his burden with the king.  He left home and went to Jerusalem and shared his GSGBM with the people.  He didn't let the BIG BUTs get in the way.

So what GOD-Sized, GOD-Blessed Mission has GOD been putting on your heart?  And what's the BIG BUT you've been throwing in GOD's face?  

Like Nehemiah,  whose heart was broken when he heard about the status of the wall and gates around Jerusalem, for whom or what does your heart break?  The answer to that question is probably your GSGBM.  Don't let a BIG BUT get stand in your way of pursuing that mission.  Let GOD work that stuff out and chase after that GSGBM!



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