New Year, New You

It's the 3rd day of 2013. Many people have made New Year's resolutions or set some goals for the year. Did you know the most common one is lose weight? As Americans, that should probably be at the top of everyone's list. . .I digress.  You may not be a goal-setter or a resolution-maker.  I tend to be, it helps me focus.

This past weekend Keith preached a really good message on Leave-Go-Bless. You can watch it here. Leave-Go-Bless has become the marching orders of Greater Gresham as we move towards becoming a mission training center where people learn to take the gospel across the street, across the city, and across the world.

Using Paul's letter to the Philippians (Phil 3:12-14) he made a couple of statements that have really stuck with me:

  1. What was the hardest thing for you in 2012?
  2. What was the best thing for you in 2012?
  3. What if one of my goals 2013 was one year from now I was walking closer to Jesus than I ever had in my life?
  4. If we are going to Leave-Go-Bless we must learn from the past without living in it.
  5. What are some failures, habits, and lies that I've believed and need to let go of?
  6. The goal is Jesus - and we don't have a closer relationship with Him by accident. . .it takes intentionality on our part.
  7. When we get closer to Jesus, His heart will be our heart, and His heart was for people. . .it's not hard to connect the dots here people.

So, with an eye on 2013, what's going to be different about you this year? Maybe it is to lose some weight or to get out of debt. Maybe you're planning on starting something new, like a new career or hobby. Maybe there's something you want to change, like how to deal with stress or a habit you want to stop doing.

What if you looked at 2013 as a chance. . .a really big chance. . .to trust God more? What would you need to change to see that happen? What steps would you need to take today that would result in growing in your relationship with God? Reading your Bible more consistently? Click here for help with some reading plans. Want to spend more intentional time listening to God, rather than talking to Him? Letting go of your failures? Quit "backing" into the future. . .this allows us to keep the past in view? Stop believing some lies that enemy keeps bringing up?

You get the picture.

Let's looks back at the end of this year and see a difference in our relationship with God. I'm willing. And I would love to do it with you.



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