I'm Whooped!

Holy Moly!  This has been an amazing week!!!!!  And I'm whooped!

It's been an Ahhh-Mazing week for Cindy and me!!!! Wellllll. . .except for the nausea that's crept into the pregnancy. . .not a fan, for sure.  But the excitement of finding out she's pregnant has taken it's toll on me emotionally and physically.

At times I'm still a tearful mess.  At other times I'm so elated, I can't wipe the grin off my face!  Then I'm overwhelmed by the fact that WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!

Then there's the rest of life that doesn't stop.  Grocery store.  Work.  Friends.  Ironing.  Lunch prep.  Dinner.  Dishes.  Meetings.  Upgrades.  You know the drill.

Put all that with the emotional roller coaster I've been on  since Tuesday morning and I'm ready for the weekend, B-A-B-Y!!!

But, it's all good!  Right?!  I mean, for me, it's all worth it to be able to experience the goodness and blessings of an incredible GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.  Oopps, must have dozed off there for a moment.  Sorry.  My bad.

Gotta Get 'er Done!!


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