Where's the Focus?

***CONFESSION ALERT**** - Sometimes I think that my relationship with God is about me.  

Whew!  Glad to get that off my chest.  But, think about it, don't we tend to tell people that WE need to become more like Christ?  We teach that God loves ME!  Isn't that why we celebrate Christmas. . .the birth of our redeemer sent by God for US?  And at times I've bought into it.

Don't get me wrong.  I thoroughly believe God loves us more than any of His creations and wants to have a personal relationship with each of us.  I believe that I am to strive to  be more like Jesus everyday and should be a reflection of His presence and the transformation taking place in my life.  But stay with me.

In reading John 1, John the Baptist - Jesus' kinfolk - unapologetically claims that it's not about him.  WHAT?!  Yeah,  you read it right.  It's wasn't about John.  It was about his cousin, Jesus.  John said, "I am not the Christ" (v.  20).  As a matter of fact, John goes on to say that he isn't even  worthy of being the lowest servant who unties Jesus' sandals (v.  27).  The next day, when he saw Jesus coming he confessed, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" (v. 29). 

And it wasn't like John wasn't attracting attention.  He was drawing quite a  crowd.  He even attracted the Jews finest - the Pharisees and priests.  It would have been easy, if not natural, for him to make it all about him.  Wouldn't it?

Don't know if you're getting the picture or not, but here's a wild man -  eating locusts and wild honey while sporting the latest in animal skins was not the center of the diet & fashion trends at the time - coming out of nowhere and pointing people to Him. . .to Jesus.  It's the whole less of me, more of Him kind of stuff.

I think the spiritual growth. . .the be more like Jesus . . .comes when we do make it about Jesus and not ourselves.  I think that's true because Jesus was about others, not Himself.  He was about you, not Him.  And when we focus our life on Him -  exhibiting His love, grace, mercy,  sacrifice, and service - then we are being more like Jesus.  Our growth into being Jesus with skin on comes out of our pursuit of Jesus' heart, not when we are the focus.

Here's a some questions to ponder:
  • Who does your life point to. . .you or God?  
  • Is your relationship with God about you or Him?  
  • Who's the most important person in your life. . .you or God?
  • What would other people say?
 Maybe, you're like me and in the midst of life's stuff you've gotten turned around and your focus has become more about you than God.  If so, do what I did, confess it to God.  He's very gracious and I know it will put a huge smile on His face when you do.  Did that?  If so, thank Jesus that His focus was about God and not Himself.  Now begin to live like Jesus is the focus and not you.



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