The Quiet of the Morning

On Sunday mornings I meet a friend at 7:00 to unlock the building & gates, clean up stuff, straighten up rooms, check bathrooms, and overall, just make sure the buildings are ready for services & Bible studies. A couple of weeks ago we were going through the routine when he said, "I like the mornings, it's quiet." I readily agreed and we moved one.

I've been thinking about that statement for a couple of weeks now. . .reflecting on why it resonated with me so much.

I think, for me, the quiet of the morning strengthens me.  I know,  I know, your thinking, "Mike's like a super-hero!"  Not hardly.  But it does prepare me for the day.  When I just get up and start running around - coffee, shower, dress, and head out the door,  I'm already sapped.  No energy for the rest of the day.  The quiet of the morning allows me to get ready for what lies beneath, ahead, or whatever.

I'm also an introvert by nature.  Alright, alright, get up off the floor and wipe those tears from your eyes.  No ,  really.  I'm  serious.  I like crowds as long as I don't have to interact with them or as long as I'm in front of them, not in the middle of them.  Believe it or not, crowds drain me.  If I'm ever in the middle of a large crowd I have to have a place to escape to for some down time.  Even when I'm with my family - and when I say family imagine me times a bajillion in loudness & fun, that's not a bad thing,  it's awesome! - but I still need some down time.

I like the quiet of my office.  It's my Bat Cave!  It's where me, my thoughts, struggles, and God hang out.  It's where I  wrestle with life,  solve issues, seek God's heart, write, cry, laugh, and pray.  It's where I learn new things in His Word about God and his character and love for me.  It's where I seek His peace, grace, and forgiveness.  It's where the Lord empowers me for the day, week, and life. 

I NEED the quiet of the morning.  Don't know about your life, but mine gets pretty hectic.  Most of the time it's when I leave the sanctuary of our house.  But, we live life inside was well.  So, sometimes things get stressful when I leave the sanctuary of my office.  And the quiet of the morning prepares me.

Where's your empowering place & time?  Where's your Bat Cave?

Gotta go, the Bat Signal just lit up!


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