The Note Card

Earlier this year I shared one of the messages from our Courageous series.  To the "less is more" point I only had two points.  I know this goes against the conventional three points and poem structure of sermonology. But, oh well.  About a week or so after that message I found a note card that had the two points written on it.  It was Cindy's handwriting.  Ok, so it was Cindy's card.  That card has since found it's way into my journal.  It's paper-clipped to the top of the next right-hand page, so whenever I open my journal the reminder is there.  That means that every morning when I sit down with my Bible and journal. . .it's there.  When I stop during the day to make a note of something. . .it's there.  When I close up my journal at the end of the day and getting ready to go home. . .it's there.

Here are the two points:

Courageous men. . .
  1. Give control to Jesus
  2. Lead their families
I know.  It's seems pretty simple, doesn't it?  It is. . .until we try it.   On paper it's. . ."Wow!  I can do that!"  until we attempt to put it into action and realize that I haven't given Jesus control of my time, job, anger, lust, internet, family, finances, hobby, or heart.  Or until  we start working on setting the spiritual and relational tone in our families, especially if we haven't done it in a while. . .or ever for that matter. 

Guys, want to know how you're doing?  Ask you wife and/or children.  Give them permission to be honest without consequences. Ask with the desire to improve and become a courageous man.

So, yeah, I'm working on it, too.  Wish I was better at both.  Wish I could write this and tell you I'm  a model of a courageous man.  The fact  is, I'm weak, selfish, and a control freak.  But God has given me an incredible wife who supports and encourages me and calls me out when I'm not giving control to Jesus or not leading our family.  He's also given me His Word and His Spirit to guide me and empower me to become a man after God's own heart.

What steps do you need to take today to begin the process of becoming a courageous man?



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