I meet with a couple of guys each week in a discipling relationship - hope that makes sense. As part of our time together I ask them about their times with God the previous week. I want to know that they are working towards having a consistent and meaningful time with God. I believe it's difficult lead and feed their families if they aren't feeding themselves first. Kinda like a momma bird feeding her new hatchlings - probably a bad example for guys, but hopefully you get the picture.
To help one of them I showed them the "ACTS" model of prayer. I learned it years ago reading Bill Hybels' book, Too Busy Not to Pray. It was one of those books that I read early on in my own discipling process that continues to impact me. In case you're interested here's what ACTS stands for:
So as I was explaining this to my friend I also told him that I used to write out my prayers. No, really, I did. I would write "Adoration" and under Adoration I would write out words that expressed my heart for God. Then, under "Confession" I would write out sins I was confessing and so on. I did this because I would begin praying and loose track of what I was praying about or my mind would wonder and I would forget what I was praying for. It was a method that kept me on track while I prayed. And I don't think God was really all that offended. It was also the beginning of my journaling habit. I still write out my prayers, but they usually come as I write in my journal - lessons God is teaching me, stuff I'm wrestling with, attitudes I suffer with, frustrations, praises for answered prayers and seeing Him transform lives, and I share the regrets I have and the times I mess up.
I say all that to say that I remember those days. Like adventures lived and remembered, I can picture me on my face with my book of prayers before me seeking God's heart. I remember the vibrancy of my prayer life and the passion with which I prayed for others.
So is anything different? Great question. Yeah, I think some things are different. In the words of Erwin McManus, I've become "civilized." See, back then I didn't now any different. No one had taught me there was a "proper" way of living as a Christian. I didn't know about being comfortable or complacent. I hadn't yet discovered that they were acceptable ways of living out my life with Jesus.
I could say I'm just too busy. Yeah, right! Back then, I was going to school full-time, working 24-40 hours a week, leading the singles at our church, serving as an intern, and was married. I'm no busier today than I was then.
So here's what I think it boils down to. I think I'm filling my life with stuff that does take my time, energy, and focus off of or away from Jesus. What's wrong with that picture, eh? I think God is calling me out of civilized Christianity to a way of living for Him that relies totally on being connected to Him.
I know what you're thinking. Go ahead say iiiiiitt. "But, Mike, you're a pastor. You're supposed to be feverishly praying for others and seeking God's will!" You're probably right. But don't forget that your pastors people just like you. We get distracted. We fall into time traps. Some get burned out. And just like the rest of us, pastors find themselves going through the motions and the daily routine of life.
I will say, though, that none of these are an excuse for anyone proclaiming to follow Jesus. . .pastor or not.
And it's not like I don't pray. I do. I often pray as I'm getting the church ready for services on Saturday night and Sunday mornings. I pray when I'm about to take a phone call that I know is going to be a difficult one. I pray as I write in my journal. I pray when I'm done writing. I often find myself talking to God in the shower - no internet or phones or email to distract me. So, like I said it's not that I don't pray. I think God is simply reminding me that I need to be more intentional with my time.
What about you? When was the last time you stopped and poured your heart out to God? When was the last time you just sat and listened? When was the last time you allowed God to break your heart for something or someone?
However long it's been, it can change. . .today. . .now. Stop what you're doing and tell God something that expresses your heart for Him (that's adoration), now apologize to God for not spending time with Him (that's confession), next, just thank Him for loving you (that's thanksgiving), then pray for someone and something that's really bothering you (that's supplication). When you're finished make a plan - time, place, and how - of how you will begin to meet with God to seek His face and heart.
Man! I love it when God reminds me of stuff like this. Thanks God for calling me out and reminding me of what I've been missing.
To help one of them I showed them the "ACTS" model of prayer. I learned it years ago reading Bill Hybels' book, Too Busy Not to Pray. It was one of those books that I read early on in my own discipling process that continues to impact me. In case you're interested here's what ACTS stands for:
- Adoration - worshipping God for who He is - majestic, mighty, gracious, loving, a strong tower, etc.
- Confession - confessing to God where we've messed up - reminder: confession is simply agreeing with God
- Thanksgiving - thanking God for what He's done in, through, and around your life
- Supplication - asking God - this is where you pray for the needs of others and yourself
So as I was explaining this to my friend I also told him that I used to write out my prayers. No, really, I did. I would write "Adoration" and under Adoration I would write out words that expressed my heart for God. Then, under "Confession" I would write out sins I was confessing and so on. I did this because I would begin praying and loose track of what I was praying about or my mind would wonder and I would forget what I was praying for. It was a method that kept me on track while I prayed. And I don't think God was really all that offended. It was also the beginning of my journaling habit. I still write out my prayers, but they usually come as I write in my journal - lessons God is teaching me, stuff I'm wrestling with, attitudes I suffer with, frustrations, praises for answered prayers and seeing Him transform lives, and I share the regrets I have and the times I mess up.
I say all that to say that I remember those days. Like adventures lived and remembered, I can picture me on my face with my book of prayers before me seeking God's heart. I remember the vibrancy of my prayer life and the passion with which I prayed for others.
So is anything different? Great question. Yeah, I think some things are different. In the words of Erwin McManus, I've become "civilized." See, back then I didn't now any different. No one had taught me there was a "proper" way of living as a Christian. I didn't know about being comfortable or complacent. I hadn't yet discovered that they were acceptable ways of living out my life with Jesus.
I could say I'm just too busy. Yeah, right! Back then, I was going to school full-time, working 24-40 hours a week, leading the singles at our church, serving as an intern, and was married. I'm no busier today than I was then.
So here's what I think it boils down to. I think I'm filling my life with stuff that does take my time, energy, and focus off of or away from Jesus. What's wrong with that picture, eh? I think God is calling me out of civilized Christianity to a way of living for Him that relies totally on being connected to Him.
I know what you're thinking. Go ahead say iiiiiitt. "But, Mike, you're a pastor. You're supposed to be feverishly praying for others and seeking God's will!" You're probably right. But don't forget that your pastors people just like you. We get distracted. We fall into time traps. Some get burned out. And just like the rest of us, pastors find themselves going through the motions and the daily routine of life.
I will say, though, that none of these are an excuse for anyone proclaiming to follow Jesus. . .pastor or not.
And it's not like I don't pray. I do. I often pray as I'm getting the church ready for services on Saturday night and Sunday mornings. I pray when I'm about to take a phone call that I know is going to be a difficult one. I pray as I write in my journal. I pray when I'm done writing. I often find myself talking to God in the shower - no internet or phones or email to distract me. So, like I said it's not that I don't pray. I think God is simply reminding me that I need to be more intentional with my time.
What about you? When was the last time you stopped and poured your heart out to God? When was the last time you just sat and listened? When was the last time you allowed God to break your heart for something or someone?
However long it's been, it can change. . .today. . .now. Stop what you're doing and tell God something that expresses your heart for Him (that's adoration), now apologize to God for not spending time with Him (that's confession), next, just thank Him for loving you (that's thanksgiving), then pray for someone and something that's really bothering you (that's supplication). When you're finished make a plan - time, place, and how - of how you will begin to meet with God to seek His face and heart.
Man! I love it when God reminds me of stuff like this. Thanks God for calling me out and reminding me of what I've been missing.