Emmanuel = Relationship with God

 Psalm 51:1-2 reads:
 1 Have mercy on me, O God,
   according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
   blot out my transgressions.
2 Wash away all my iniquity
   and cleanse me from my sin.

That was David's cry to God after he was confronted by Nathan.  As I read it this morning these thoughts came to mind.  They may not make much sense and they may not flow very well - I apologize beforehand.  But here they are. . .

I thought about the fact that this was exactly why Emmanuel - "God with us".  Because of God's incomprehensible mercy, unfailing love, and great compassion He sent Jesus to earth, as a baby, so I may be cleansed from all my sins and my iniquity may be washed away.

Without Emmanuel none of this happens.  I mean, think about it - knowing that I can't wash away my sin or erase my shortcomings. . .my rebellion. . .makes me realize that without "God with us", I would never have a chance at a relationship with a merciful, loving, and compassionate God.   How does that strike you? 

Mull this over for a few minutes - it all happened because God's love for you and me was and is greater than any sin we commit -  the same sin that keeps me from having a relationship with Him in the first place.

Ever wonder how bad God must have wanted to have a personal relationship with each of us?  How much God wanted to have a personal, one-on-one relationship with me. . .with you?  So much so that he was willing to sacrifice His own son for my wretched life.  It all started with Emmanuel.  I don't know about you, but I'm greatly  humbled by all of this. In fact, I'm kinda blown away by  it all.  That's some kind of powerful mercy, love and compassion!

Thank you, Lord.
Thank you for loving me that much.
Thank you for Emmanuel.


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