Christmas Eve

It's Friday. . .Christmas Eve.  And I'm whooped.  It's been a really productive week at the office and at home.  And by the time Cindy and I finish our FaceTime together, I literally fall into bed.  It's a great feeling.

This afternoon and evening we have our three Christmas Eve services -  3:00, 5:00, & 7:00.  It's one of those times, here in the northwest, that a lot of people and families from the community attend worship.  AND I LOVE IT!  I live for this stuff.  I can't wait.  In fact, I'll be heading into the office in a few to finish up some touches on the worship center and make sure the facilities are ready for our guests.

It's also a time when a lot of our folks volunteer - from greeting, parking, worship center preparation, hospitality, preschool, to trash duty.  And we have another great group of volunteers this year!  I'm really pumped about it.  Oh!  Did I mention the fact that I love days like today?  Ok, just making sure.

If you're in town come be our guest tonight.  We will have childcare for preschoolers, but the entire family is welcome to join us and our services will be kid-friendly.

Gotta go!


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