Enemy or Ally

You need to get in, sit down, hang on, and strap in for this one folks. This is stinkin' amazing!

Romans 5:1 says, "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,. . ." I'm not sure if you caught that, but re-read it a couple of times. Did you catch the result of entering into and having a relationship with God. . .a relationship that has been made possible by our acceptance of the Atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ? PEACE!!

It's not the kind of 60's-hippie peace you might think. The word means there is tranquility, harmony, and accord between He and me. It takes peace to whole nother level. This peace between us and God? It refers to the untroubled, and undisturbed state of our relationship. don't know about you, but it kinda took me a moment to process it all.

After a few moments to get the wheels grinding, it hit me! What I forget is that before Jesus died on the cross and before I repented and accepted Him as Lord and Savior God and I were not at peace. I was an enemy! That's HUGE! I went from enemy to ally because of the Atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

That's so huge, to be honest, I don't know if I fully understand that last statement or all the dynamics related to it. I'm not sure if I ever could. But I don't think I have to. . .and neither do you. And that's the best part about the whole thing. I just have to accept the fact that God made a blood pact/covenant between He and me through the death of Jesus and when I enter into that relationship with God I get the ally-peace part as well. SWEET!!!

So, if you have entered into that relationship with God. . .go in peace. Know that it's good between God and you.

If you haven't entered into that relationship with God and you're looking for some peace or would like to know more click here. It's a web site that will help you understand the peace that comes with a relationship with God. And, afterward, if you do enter into that relationship with God, come back and leave me a comment letting me know. Want to party alongside you and the angels.



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