Letting Go

So, let just get all the cards on the table. . .what do you love more than anything? New phone that even ol' 007 would be jealous of? The kids? Or the job that you can't wait to get to - OK, that's probably not realistic for most of you? Maybe it's a family heirloom that you cherish more than anything? But whatever it is, I think there's something we all have that we would do almost anything to keep from losing. . .the "it".

Ok, now that we've established what we love. What would happen if you did lose it? How would you feel if you lost your precious piece of tech gadgetry? What emotions flood your soul at the thought of letting go of your child? What if, like many in the last couple of years, there wasn't a place for you to wake up and go to? How would you justify loosing Grandma's cherished heirloom. Can you feel the anxiety? Chest tightening up? Tears pooling up in your eyes? Getting angry?

What if losing "it" would allow you to unconditionally follow Jesus?

Don't think it could happen? The rich young man in Mark 10:21 didn't think it would either, yet while Jesus waited, he turned and walk away unwilling to let go if "it". For him it was possessions and money.

This passage is all about what I love. . .what I will put ahead of Jesus and my relationship with Him. It forces the issue and asks the same question Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me more than these?" (John 21:15-19). I have to ask, what wouldn't I get rid of to be fully sold out to and for Jesus? This causes me to think a moment and wonder, what if it's not a possession or a relationship? What if it's an attitude? What if it's a security blanket, like financial security? What if it's the very thing I do to provide for my family? (Yes, I really do love my job)

Here's the funny thing - not funny haha, but funny as in why don't I get it - Jesus is there waiting, loving me the whole time. And it's not like He doesn't know what's in my heart. . .what's keeping me from following Him. He knew the young man's weakness, guaranteed He knows mine. And, yet, He loves me all the same and He's waiting all the same.

This morning I asked God to show me, like the rich young man, what I would have to let go of in order to follow Him unconditionally. Here's a few things He challenged me with:
  • Control - Me? Gotta be kidding, right? Stop thinking I have to be in total control of everything, this would open up opportunities to trust Him more and that wouldn't be a bad thing.
  • Security in Finances - God has and will provide, just be a good steward of what He's provided.
  • Not Listening - What? Where did that one come from? Actually, I know this. I'm a much better talker than I am a listener. . .and yes, you can stop snickering.
  • Having the Last Word - Goes with listening more.
  • The Need to Top Everyone Else - I know, I don't know where God gets this stuff. But it's an insatiable need I have. . .to be the one on top, the one who knows, the one who has all the answers.
What is it that's holding you back? What is it that preventing you from being sold out to Jesus? It could really just be an attitude about those things you're hanging on to. It could be the very thing that's preventing God from unleashing His power in and through you? After all, as my friend Stacey once told me, it's just stuff.

I would encourage you to take some time to ask Jesus what it is that holding you back?

Gotta go unload some of this baggage.

Later 'Gator!


Anonymous said…
I am pretty sure there are a few things I need to let go of! Thanks for your encouraging, uplifting, and genuine blogs! :) I would love to visit your church next time I am in the area. :)

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