Expect the Enemy

Ever found that when you begin something for God or respond to His calling that life tends to heat up - not in a good way, but in a struggling way? Why are we so surprised when the enemy shows up? Like our greatest rival didn't have a clue what we were up to. What's up with that?!

Believe it or not it didn't begin with you and it won't end with you.

In the first year of the rule of Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, he sent the captive Israelites back to Jerusalem to re-build the temple of God. He even returned the articles used in worship & sacrifice in the temple to take back to Jerusalem (Ezra 1-6). Of course, it would be wonderful if that was the end of the story, wouldn't it? I'm not so sure that it would be so wonderful. Stick with me here.

So, the Israelites head back to Jerusalem, set up life & shop, and begin work on the temple. If that's all that happened God would definitely received the glory. But life's never that easy, is it? For me it's not. Like the Israelites, I've found that as soon as I begin following God's calling on my life, or just determine to live for Him I run into opposition - the enemy comes a knocking. He does his best to redirect my focus, energies, and efforts. And, admittedly, there are times when he wins. Then again it's not new to me. The folks living around Jerusalem began doing everything they could to stop the progress, even a letter writing campaign to Artexerxes, the new king of Persia. Here's how the Israelites responded and what we could do as well to fulfill our calling.
  1. Stand firm in your calling - The Israelites knew why they had been allowed to return to Jerusalem and nothing was going to distract them from that calling. No matter what God has called you to do - parenting, marriage, job, teacher, missionary, or pastor - it's your calling and it belongs to no one else. Stand firm in that calling
  2. Respect authority - When Artexerxes demanded the Israelites to stop, they stopped. They took the proper steps and went through the proper channels and trusted God. That goes for us, too.
  3. Remain faithful - Just because it doesn't happen in our timing and in our way doesn't mean something won't happen. Even if it does, trust God for the outcome. The Israelites remained faithful to re-building the temple. And in God's timing they celebrated the day it was finished.
At the end of it all they saw God do way more than they dreamed. He moved in ways they would have never imagined if everything had gone according to their plan. The same is true for us. If everything goes according to our plan, where's God get the glory in that.

I also love that the remnant who returned to Jersualem remembered their past - where they had come from and how they got there - yet they remained focused on their future. As a matter of fact, I think they used their past to propel them into their future.

Remain focused on the future!



Anna Fedorova said…
Yes! But isn't opposition also sometimes God's correction or redirection? The trick is figuring out the difference!

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