4th of July

Today is the 4th of July. . .the day we Americans celebrate our independence. It's the day our founding fathers decided, together, that America was to be it's own country. It's also our 234th birthday. And this morning I was wondering if, today, we appreciate the freedom we've enjoyed or the price that's been paid for all these 234 years?
I think we enjoy the freedoms - the freedom to make a living doing what we want to do, the freedom of educational opportunities, the freedom to speak freely, the freedom to disagree, the freedom to travel and live wherever we want, the freedom to have as many children as you want, even the freedom to participate in our government and the political process - but I don't think we stop long enough to appreciate these freedoms. We all know about the atrocities committed against mankind just in this century by governments, religion, and people to prevent them from experiencing these freedoms.
I also don't think we stop and think about the price that's been paid to ensure we enjoy these freedoms. We don't think about the decisions that have been made - even back in 1776, the risks that have been taken, and the sacrifices made by those who gave of themselves whole-heartedly to make sure we get to enjoy them today. I'm often thankful that my Dad and two brothers voluntarily and faithfully served our country. I'm thankful and appreciate their willingness to sacrifice on my behalf.
So, as I proudly display my flag (the only flag out in my neighborhood this mornng), I want to encourage you to take some time today while you're splashing around in the water, grillin' some dogs, or watching some fireworks tonight to think about the freedoms you do enjoy today and the sacrifices that were made to make sure you had an opportunity to celebrate a 4th of July. It may cause you to appreciate the freedoms you enjoy a whole lot more.
Not taken for granted or abused.
God bless American land that I LOVE.
Love you MOM