Best Read of 2009
Most people who know me know I like to read. I like to read biographies, books on spiritual formation/discipleship/life change (yes, Grant, I read your post :) ) and I'm a better reader than doer sometimes. I also like books about leadership, and books that challenge me. I do like to read fiction - John Grisham, Robert Ludlum, and the like - but I have to make myself read for "fun".
This past year I didn't read as many books as I have in the past, but I did read some that I would definitely recommend.
My favorite books of 2009 - these are book that I would recommend for one reason or another:
The books I really want to read in 2010?
What was/were your favorite book(s) of 2009? And what are looking forward to reading in 2010?
Now if I could just find my glasses. . .
This past year I didn't read as many books as I have in the past, but I did read some that I would definitely recommend.
My favorite books of 2009 - these are book that I would recommend for one reason or another:
Servolution by Dino Rizzo
Church Unique by Will Mancini
Leading on Empty: Refilling Your Tank and Renewing Your Passion by Wayne Cordiero
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
The books I really want to read in 2010?
Simple Life by Thom & Art Rainer
Primal by Mark Batterson
Killing Cockroaches by Tony Morgan
What was/were your favorite book(s) of 2009? And what are looking forward to reading in 2010?
Now if I could just find my glasses. . .
As far as favorite books for 2009, I would say, along with Chan's book, I really enjoyed a Kevin DeYoung & Ted Kluck's book "Why We're Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should Be." It is a very engaging and hits right at the heart of where a lot of the church is right now in regards to the whole 'Emergent/Emerging' conversation.
Let me know how Thom & Art Rainer's book is this year, as I've enjoyed a few of Thom's books a few years back.
Blessings Mike!