Coffe Shops and Lap Tops

It appears that some coffee shops are discouraging lap top usage in their shops. An article in the Wall Street Journal today states that coffee shops in New York and California are "pulling the plug" on lap top usage. One of the reasons owners state is that people are coming and nursing a cup of coffee for the free Wi-Fi, making it difficult for customers who want to eat and spend more money to find a place to sit. I have to admit, I've been this guy before. I have a knack for really nursing a cup of coffee.

Some have simply restricted use during high-traffic times like lunch time. Others are covering outlets to save money. It's does seem a bit ironic, doesn't it. . .coffee shop and lap tops just seem to go together.

What do you think? Should coffee shops discourage the use of lap tops during high-traffic times, at all, any time? Are you one of those dragin' out a cup of coffee for the free Wi-Fi?



Bryce said…
It seems ironic that coffee shops began offering free wi-fi in the first place in order to increase their business by attracting new customers, and now that they have them they're finding the free wi-fi is having a negative impact on their business.

Maybe they can do what my car dealership does. You walk up to the counter and the receptionist gives you a code good for a couple hours of free wi-fi on their system. If they gave free wi-fi only to people who purchased something, and then limited the amount of time it could be used, they might find that brings the happy medium they're looking for.
Anonymous said…
For small coffe shop owner like myself (you know me, Mike, but I won't put name of my restaurant here... Didn't want to use your blog for advertisement), it's almost a must to offer that. We don't have the same amount of customers and if anyone ask for internet access and don't get it, they will just walk to the big 'StrBcks' stores. I find myself on the internet quite a lot when business is slow, though. -YTC
Anonymous said…
We have a business located near a local coffee shop that is frequented by a number of pastors who enjoy the wi-fi service for a good portion of the day, and make very limited purchases. The coffee shop owner has shared with us her frustration with the religious community who seem to be the worse offenders when it comes to making a office out of a table in a coffee shop. Granted it is a good way to be seen in the community, provide neutral ground for non-believers, etc. But it might be time to take a look at our witness to the shop owner, and how they and their business is affected by this seemingly innocent practice. This particular coffee shop owner is reluctant to expell the local pastors, especially in a difficult economy because word may spread to other customers. These offending pastors are using the coffee shop inleiu of renting or securing office space at their own expense. My question: is God really being glorified by this practice?

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