So I'm reading Psalms 30 today - yes, it's no coincidence that today is the 30th and I was reading the 30th Psalm. As I'm reading King David's words jumped out at me. . .
And I don't think we in America get it. . .this concept of mercy. Think about it, when was the last time you asked someone to have mercy on you? When was the last time you asked God for His mercy?
So what is this mercy? I looked it up on here's what they had to say about mercy:
I think some of our struggle, or at least my struggle, is that I don't see God as David saw Him. I don't view him as kind, compassionate, extender or favor or benevolence. Yet, here's this incredible God who has already extended the most amazing mercy to us through the death of His Son, and we don't ask for His mercy today. . .to get through today? What's wrong with us?
Again, I don't know why I hesitate to ask of His mercy. Maybe I'm not desperate enough. Maybe I don't recognize just how merciful God really is. Maybe to arrogant and prideful to ask God for mercy.
Of Father, as I/we cry out today, have mercy on us. Have mercy on those who are struggling with life and don't have anywhere else to turn. May you be the first place we turn for help and receive you never-ending mercy.
8To you, O LORD, I called;I wrestle a bit with this notion of mercy, OK, I wrestle a lot with it. I honestly don't think I understand mercy the same way David understood it. I just don't get it.
to the Lord I cried for mercy:
And I don't think we in America get it. . .this concept of mercy. Think about it, when was the last time you asked someone to have mercy on you? When was the last time you asked God for His mercy?
So what is this mercy? I looked it up on here's what they had to say about mercy:
- Compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, enemy or other person in one's power; compassion, pity, or benevolence
- The disposition to be compassionate or forbearing
- An act of kindness, compassion, or favor
- Something that give evidence of divine favor
I think some of our struggle, or at least my struggle, is that I don't see God as David saw Him. I don't view him as kind, compassionate, extender or favor or benevolence. Yet, here's this incredible God who has already extended the most amazing mercy to us through the death of His Son, and we don't ask for His mercy today. . .to get through today? What's wrong with us?
Again, I don't know why I hesitate to ask of His mercy. Maybe I'm not desperate enough. Maybe I don't recognize just how merciful God really is. Maybe to arrogant and prideful to ask God for mercy.
Of Father, as I/we cry out today, have mercy on us. Have mercy on those who are struggling with life and don't have anywhere else to turn. May you be the first place we turn for help and receive you never-ending mercy.