Hotter than . . .

It's Wednesday and we've been experiencing an unusual heat wave in the northwest. Yesterday it reached 105 (110 with the head index) up here. Today, it's supposed to reach somewhere around 107 degrees in the Portland area.

Being from Texas I usually say something like, "It's already been 103 where I'm from." Then I have to stop and remember that just about every house built in Texas has air conditioning. Here, that's not the case. Most of the people here don't have central air. Maybe a window unit or two, but most don't have anything but fans. The town home Cindy and I live in doesn't have any a/c and they were built last year. We even looked at a new home built just last year and the builder said it didn't have a/c, but it was wired for it. We were fortunate enough to find a portable a/c unit to cool the living/kitchen/dining area. Believe me, it's working overtime!!

So, when people say it's hot here, they mean it. Not that it's not hot in lower Alabama or Texas, it's just that we aren't as prepared for the extended heat as they are in the south where it's hot most of the summer.

We are expecting a reprieve later this week. It's supposed to drop to 95. Woohoo!!!

Now where's that bag of ice. . .aaahhhhh!!!


Andy Stills said…
Texans are such wimps... I'm up in Seattle and experiencing the same sweaty nights and pressure cooker days with only ceiling and box fans. But I'm an Okie and can handle it! hahahaha

How much was that bag of ice again?

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