It has certainly been a while since I last posted. . .almost 2 months have passed. I got out of the habit because at times I just didn't have the energy to formulate thoughts and I was struggling to put them "on paper".

To be honest I was struggling in general. I had no energy, what little energy I had was used up by 10:00 in the morning. I wanted to run, hike, get outside, but even the things that was supposed to energize me was draining me.

I was forgetting things, even if I wrote them down. It was like mental gymnastics for me to develop processes - something that usually comes very natural to me.

I even went through a time where I just couldn't afford the energy or emotional investment in relationships that required very much of me. Those of you who know me know this isn't me at all!

So. . .all in all, it's been a strange time for me. What made it doubly difficult was that I couldn't make sense of any of it. I kept thinking, "What's wrong with me?!"

That was until a couple of weeks ago. I finally went and had a complete physical. It had been a while - when I was cycling I had one every year. Of course, being a guy, getting back into the habit of yearly checkups is even more difficult. I'm such a moron!! (no comments!). Anyway. . .I found out that I have HYPOthyroidism.

It's a condition where my thyroid doesn't produce enough of a particular hormone causing me to gain weight (it has nothing to do with ice cream, jelly bellies, or fast food), draining me of any energy I may have, it causes me to be forgetful, makes me moody and sometimes emotionally irritable, and making it difficult to make decisions or even stay focused long enough to put coherent thoughts together.

The good thing is that it's not life threatening and can be regulated with medication. The difficult thing is that it takes 2-3 weeks for the medication to get into your system and begin working. And not being one who likes to wait, that's really tough for me. I'm ready for things to get back to normal - whatever normal is for me.

I still have to be mindful of how much energy I expend. And I still have to take breaks to make sure I don't get completely depleted. I still love serving God and the people of Greater Gresham. I still love serving my wife. I still love investing in people, especially guys, who have a heart to grow in their walk with God. I still love running, cycling, hiking, camping, and getting outdoors.

I'm learning to love blogging again, sitting and reading, and even writing.

With all the stuff I love and am learning to enjoy once again, I still have to learn where to spend my energy, emotions, and mental capabilities. I'm looking forward blogging and sharing my goofy and often eclectic insights once again. Won't you join me?

Blogger for Life!!


Erik said…
Unfortunately Mike, I'm the opposite: ice cream, jelly bellies, or fast food do cause me to gain weight. ;)

Thanks for serving us at Greater Gresham Baptist Church with such a servants heart.
Anonymous said…
Michael, I do know and completely understand. I am praying for you, for the medicine to work quickly, for your energy level to be normal and for wise decisions. love you
MikeS said…
Erik - thanks for the encoragement. Nd my remark about the weight gain does have something to do with ice-cream and junk food. :)

Mom - thank you for the prayers and the understanding.

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