Three Little Words

I was reading Revelation 4 this morning. Actually I was crawling through it. I had already read it a couple of times. This morning I was walking through the imagery and symbolism (I'm geeky when it comes to imagery and symbolism). Anyway. . .three little words have stuck with me ever since I started reading chapter four.

After John sees an open door into heaven and hears Christ's invitation to see the things that must happen, verse two says that John was immediately "in the Spirit." For some reason I just can't shake these three little words. Commentaries don't ascribe much to them, except to say he was filled the with Spirit of God. That got me to thinking. . .did John have to be filled with the Spirit of God to see the vision of God? In other words, was this "in the Spirit" a divine enabling to fully see and grasp the revelation of God? I mean, here's John who was in exile because of his faith. The only one of the apostles who didn't die a martyr's death. Wouldn't have already been filled with the Spirit of God? Even in Revelation 1:10, John says says that he was "in the Spirit" when he first heard the words of Jesus . Not sure what to make of it.

Then I thought about me. Am I "in the Spirit"? Can I see the things of God without being filled with God's eye-opening presence? What about the Spirit of God that infills and indwells every believer at the moment of salvation - is that the same thing or do I need a "special" imparting of God's presence? I have to admit, I'm kinda lost here? This may just be one of those things where I have to trust God and take His word for face value.

Just three little words. . ."in the Spirit."



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