What are they thinking?

I've now lived in two areas where the weather tends to create what one could call natural disasters. Living in the Mobile area we had to face hurricanes and now living in Gresham we are living with the ice.

But here's my question, why do natives of these areas wait until the last minute to get things they need. Case in point. . .
  • Hurricane Katrina - I filled up the Passat and my truck with gas, ran water in my bathtub, prepared my house, made sure I had groceries, and took care of 3 dogs and 2 cats. After the hurricane there was a run at Wal-Mart and the gas stations. Some waited hours to get gas. These are the same people who had Auburn University and Roll Tide stickers on their cars and trucks. So it's not like this was a strange occurance. It's not like this was a once in a lifetime event. Hurricane Ivan had ripped through there just a couple of years earlier! What were they thinking?!!!
  • Snow/Ice Storm of 2008 - We just had a snow storm with high winds this weekend. We are about to get another round and maybe even another this weekend. Even before we moved here folks were telling us that we need to be prepared - more for the ice than the snow. Sooooo. . .trying to think ahead, I went out and got chains for my truck. Cindy and I are sitting in the living room/kitchen/dining area this morning watching the news and weather and lo and behold if there aren't people waiting in line to buy snow chains of all things! It's a little too late folks. Stores are almost out. People! You live here. What in the world are you waiting for? It's not like this is new. It's not like we got caught by surprise. It's not like they didn't predict this last week. What are they thinking?!!
Of course, I've got 2 bottles of water in my fridge, though lots of groceries. Go figure. You probably have your own story. By the way, it's snowing again. I lvoe to watch it snow! Makes better skiing!!!!!



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