Weekend Wrap Up
- This past weekend we had a garage sale. The weather was perfect, though it was conducive to a morning run - it was 31 degrees at 7:00 am with no wind. I learned a thing about garage sales here, don't plan on seeing anyone until, at least, 9:00 am. In the south they're banging on the door before you can get up. Not here. I will need to remember that next time. I definitely wont be up so early!
- Great worship times Saturday and Sunday. Keith's message focused on the shepherds in the birth of Christ. He pointed out that the shepherds, after having seeing the living Christ, went back to their everyday lives praising God. They didn't go on tour, or hit the talk shows, or even thumb their noses at the religious elite. They didn't even go oversees on missions. They began sharing their story with others, who were amazed,then went back to their families...their friends...their sheep...their jobs. That got me to thinking...what have I done after spending time with the living Christ? Have I told people? Did I try to organize a group to head oversees to tell everyone else? Or did I go back to my family, my neighbors, my friends, or my co-workers and tell them what I saw and how, after meeting Jesus, I was/am different?
- Started my annual study of the Christmas story. One thing that God continues to reveal to me is the love it took to send His Son to earth. I keep thinking that God loved me in spite of me. He also loves you, in spite of you. Ever thought of that before? Maybe you have. Maybe I'm just catching up. But that's some serious kind of love. For some, we may retaliate when someone hurts us. For me, I shrug them off. Not God. No matter how I respond to Him, He loves me! I'm just blown away by that kind of love. I'm overwhelmed by that kind of love. I'm brought to tears of thankfulness by that kind of love.
- Florida beat Alabama and Oklahoma beat Missouri. To be honest, neither were a surprise to me. I was wishing Missouri would beat the Sooners, it would have given Texas the best chance at playing for the national championship. So we're set for OU vs. FL. I'm even torn by this match up. I like Tebow, but not necessarily the Gators. I don't like the Sooners, but want the Big 12 to have a good showing. Maybe just a game that's not a blow out would be nice. It's just sad to see that 3 of the top teams aren't just from the Big 12, but from the south division. AND to see how the top is overloaded with teams from the Big 12 and SEC conferences. Go figure, eh?