Life in Oregon

Here are a couple of pictures I too last Sunday as I was getting ready to leave church and head home to hunker down for the day. You may have seen the pics Cindy posted of the house, but that was after the major droppage. These are of what I was working in while we were clearing sidewalks and taking care of business before, during, and after worship and Bible study.

All this started - slowly, I might add - around 5:00 am. It really started coming down around 7:30-8:00.

This is the back of the offices. I drove through here several times, but because the snow was falling at a pretty good rate, tracks were covered up pretty rapidly.

This one is looking across the street. Those houses are about 100 yards or less from where I was standing. Can't see them? Neither could I. Between the wind and the snow it was pretty difficult.

Oh! Guess what? It's supposed to start coming down again tomorrow!! YIPPPEEE!!!!

Stay Warm,


Anonymous said…
Oh Wow!!!!
Our little bit of snow doesn't compare but kept me home here in Dallas.
Anonymous said…
Looks like I need to make plans to come up there and go skiing with you next year. Now that I have a yob,lol. oooopppps I got to save up for a wedding. But it would be nice to come go skiing as like a honeymoon. Atleast thats what we will tell her that it is. A honeymoon, yeah thats right, thats the ticket. lol
Never Give Up


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