I'm home from a week at a student camp - Camp Chaparral . I was there teaching students how God created them for a place of ministry and encouraging them to involved - somehow. . .somewhere. I was also the guest of Pam & Steve Sparks. They are wonderful friends from my Lufkin days. Steve is the Assistant Director of the camp. Better give a shout out to the staff - Hey Mike, David, Heather, Doug, Tim, Nate, Govani (spelling?) - thanks for a great week. These guys work really, really hard to make your camp stay the greatest. And it was. But I'm exhausted! I'm beginning to wonder if I'm getting too old for this kind of thing? The worship was great - thanks to the brown band ! Hey Michell, Gabi, Rooster, Noah, and #14. They'll get it. Jon Randles really challenged us with his messages - 7 Marks of a Disciple . Need a speaker that speaks truth with wisdom? Get Randles. College or students. He's good. But the late nights and early mornings - WHEW!! ...