It's been well over a month since I've posted. So. . .I thought it was time to do so.
For about the last three weeks I've been putting in 12-14 hours a day. I get up somewhere around 3:45-4:00 in the AM. Did you get that? AM!!! What the. . .?
I get in my truck about 5:00 am to pick up my first load. It takes somewhere between 3-4 hours to turn a load around and get back to pick up another. The customer wants us to take three loads a day. Before you know it time adds up and you've put in 12-14 hours in a day. By the time I get home all I want to do is get a shower, eat, and go to bed.
So posting to a blog wasn't even on my radar. I would often go for days without checking my email - believe it or not - or even get on my computer.
I've also had the chance to speak at a men's breakfast at First Baptist Satsuma (my boss is a member there). This Sunday I have the opportunity to preach the morning and evening services at Peterman Baptist Church in Peterman, AL (it's about 2 hours north of Saraland).
The coolest update is that Cindy and I are going in view of a call at Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, OR to be their Education Pastor and Administrator. We are very, very excited about meeting the folks of GGBC and the potential to serve with them to minister and reach the people of the Northwest. It's been a long process, but Cindy and I trust in God's timing. Please be praying for us as we go that we will remain sensitive to God's desire for us and for GGBC as they seek God's leadership in this matter.
More later,
For about the last three weeks I've been putting in 12-14 hours a day. I get up somewhere around 3:45-4:00 in the AM. Did you get that? AM!!! What the. . .?
I get in my truck about 5:00 am to pick up my first load. It takes somewhere between 3-4 hours to turn a load around and get back to pick up another. The customer wants us to take three loads a day. Before you know it time adds up and you've put in 12-14 hours in a day. By the time I get home all I want to do is get a shower, eat, and go to bed.
So posting to a blog wasn't even on my radar. I would often go for days without checking my email - believe it or not - or even get on my computer.
I've also had the chance to speak at a men's breakfast at First Baptist Satsuma (my boss is a member there). This Sunday I have the opportunity to preach the morning and evening services at Peterman Baptist Church in Peterman, AL (it's about 2 hours north of Saraland).
The coolest update is that Cindy and I are going in view of a call at Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, OR to be their Education Pastor and Administrator. We are very, very excited about meeting the folks of GGBC and the potential to serve with them to minister and reach the people of the Northwest. It's been a long process, but Cindy and I trust in God's timing. Please be praying for us as we go that we will remain sensitive to God's desire for us and for GGBC as they seek God's leadership in this matter.
More later,
Pam sparks