I'm in a Quandary!

I'm experiencing a bit of a quandary. My old Dell Latitude D600 has been a faithful companion for the past 3 ½ years. It has gone with me wherever I have gone. The only place it hasn't gone with me was to Tanzania last year. But it's getting a little slow. The buttons don't work as well as they used to. Both of the hinges are broke - I have to prop up the screen or it will flop over. I quickly fill up the hard drive and have to constantly delete or move files.

So I need to do something soon. And here's the quandary - do I go back with a faithful relative - another Dell laptop (this is only my second since 1998) or do I make the switch to a Mac? I could get a pretty good Dell for under $1,000 and I could get a refurbished Mac for under or at $1,000.

I keep going back and forth and don't quite know what I should do. I wouldn't even consider a Mac, except for the fact that it's OS is built on Linux - I used to be a Unix programmer in my former days - and it's a much more stable platform than anything MicroSoft has put out. The other thing that prevents me from going with another windows machine is that I don't like Windows Vista and will have to download Vista versions of any software I have downloaded in Windows XP Professional.

I've used Macs before. I'm not indifferent to them, just started using PCs because they were cheaper and I could upgrade and fix them myself. I do like Dell and their consistency in the market.

So what should I do? Let me know what you think.


PS - I would gladly make the switch to Mac if anyone would like to donate one to ManHeart Ministries! :)


Anonymous said…
I'm using a Toshiba with Vista. I know a few people who do not like Vista, but they are the same ones who complained when Microsoft came out with XP (and are complaining over the same issues). The only draw-backs are the need for more ram than was even thought possible in 1998, and the stated need to procure new drivers and program updates you already mentioned. You will need 2 gigs of RAM if you are running Vista Home Premium (due to the shnazy new Areo theme. With 2 gigs of RAM, your machine will pur like a kitten. An under RAMed machine will bark like a sllllllllooooooooowwwwwwwww dog.

Unknown said…
i realize i'm way behind on this and you've probably already done it.

i switched to mac a yr. ago - and i will NOT go back!
(note, i did not say 'never' cuz something could change in the world. :)

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