Guess What I'm Doing Today?

I've got a lot to do today, but one thing I will be doing is attending the awards ceremony at George Hall Elementary in Mobile, AL.

George Hall is the school where Cindy teaches 1st Grade. This year they were nominated and received a prestigious national award from The National Principals Leadership Institute in New York City. The award, The National School Change Award, was given to only 6 six school from more than the 600+ that were nominated from across the nation. George Hall was recognized as moving from low performing to exemplary.

Four years ago this school was almost shut down. It was given one more chance. Teachers and admin at the time were sent packing and a new group of teachers and administration were brought it. Cindy was one of them. Since that time they have become a model that several school districts from around the country have come to see.

Here are some of the facts about the school:
  • It's student body is mostly minority/black (just about 100%) and come from low-income families
  • The teachers walk the kids home in the afternoon (about 1/2 mile each way) because of the drugs, fighting, and prostitution in the neighborhood
  • They scored 18 points higher than the state average on the Alabama Reading and Mathematics Test last year
  • Their students' score was more than double the state average for black students.
  • Their scores were 7 points better than the average for white students, even beating the state average for students from families that are not low-income.
To read more about George Hall Elementary and the work they have done read this and this




Anonymous said…
Jambo Mike,

It's been awhile since we've talked. Tami and I are hanging out tonight, watching a movie and thinking about Tanzania. Tomorrow is tha packing party and we can't wait to reunite with everyone from last years trip.
Enjoyed reading through your Blogs.
Steve and Tami
MikeS said…
Steve & Tami - Great to hear from you guys. Can't wait to see you today!! We're pretty excited about the trip.

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