Saying Goodbye

In the midst of all that was going on last week, we had to say goodbye to Sadie. She was our black lab. She had been doing fine until the end of last week. On Friday Cindy took her to the vet who shared with us that her kidneys were failing. She was old - almost 13 years old - and that happens when you get old. There was also a softball-size mass on one of her shoulders. There was no guarantee that anything we did would restore her health and she was suffering. So we said "Goodbye."
Sadie was always ready to play and eat - boy did she like to eat! She loved being outside. Many a day I would look out the back door and in the middle of the yard there would be Sadie - laying on her back, paws dancing in the air, rolling around like a puppy.
When the temp got up in the hot zone - it was nothing for Sadie to jump in the pond to cool off. She wouldn't fetch anything, but she would just stand there enjoying the cool dip in the agua.
Her presensce and her sweet face will be missed.
Bye-bye Sweet Sadie Luli,
thanks for the special memories and
Grandma will miss you much..