Inpsiration & Motivation
This morning I took off and ran a 10K - my 10K, not an "official" race or anything. It's just a distance I mapped out that happens to be 6.2 miles or 10K. I know some of you don't think much of running - right Kris? But for me it's a time to think, to sing, to pray, and generally takes my mind off of my world for a while.
I remember back in 2004 when I did a triathlon and the Hotter-n-Hell 100 (100 mile bike ride). I trained all year, but I wouldn't have if it had not been for Karen. She was my motivation to train - day in and day out she inspired me to run, swim, and bike not matter what the weather or the temperature like. If she could go through cancer, chemo, doctor's visits, and everything else, then a little heat and humidity wasn't going to keep me on the couch.
Speaking of the couch - I've been having a problem getting up and out the door. I seem to find a lot of reasons to stay on the "couch" - reading, studying, ministry, errands, etc. But, for some strange reason I find my shoes and hit the road. One of the reasons I'm still running - and training for the Azalea Trail 10K is because of people who inspire me and in doing so motivate me to get my butt to moving. Not everyone who inspires me is a runner, but there's something about them that inspires me. Here's some of the people who are encouragers to me:
I remember back in 2004 when I did a triathlon and the Hotter-n-Hell 100 (100 mile bike ride). I trained all year, but I wouldn't have if it had not been for Karen. She was my motivation to train - day in and day out she inspired me to run, swim, and bike not matter what the weather or the temperature like. If she could go through cancer, chemo, doctor's visits, and everything else, then a little heat and humidity wasn't going to keep me on the couch.
Speaking of the couch - I've been having a problem getting up and out the door. I seem to find a lot of reasons to stay on the "couch" - reading, studying, ministry, errands, etc. But, for some strange reason I find my shoes and hit the road. One of the reasons I'm still running - and training for the Azalea Trail 10K is because of people who inspire me and in doing so motivate me to get my butt to moving. Not everyone who inspires me is a runner, but there's something about them that inspires me. Here's some of the people who are encouragers to me:
- Cindy - everyday she gets up and goes to her mission field - a 1st grade class of children right smack dab in the middle of the projects of Mobile. Parents aren't there to express their gratitude and appreciate what she's doing in and for their children. Some of the parents simply see her as a glorified day care worker. Yet, she keeps getting up, driving to south Mobile, and teaching those children. All the while she's sharing the love of Jesus with them, knowing her love for them may be the only love some of these children ever receive.
- Stacey - Stacey and I used to run the Jingle Bell Run through the streets of the West End in Dallas. Afterwards, we ended up at JG's Hamburgers - the greasiest and best hamburger joint in north Dallas. Stacey knows how to run. He ran cross country in college and has finished the Houston Marathon. He's always there with a word of encouragement and serves as close to a coach as I have. Now-a-days Stacey sits in a cubicle sending out emails or making phone calls or responding to customers' questions all the while God is developing and flaming an intense passion for a church of missionaries. I know Stacey would rather be out on the sidewalks and trails with me - like a lot of runners, it's just in us. I know he's waiting for God's timing that is both on time and perfect. Meanwhile, he's faithful. He's faithful to his family, to his employers, and to the students at Atascocita Community Church.
- Gene - Gene's a successful pastor, accomplished author, and talented teacher and communicator of God's Word. He's influenced me for many years as a pastor, mentor, and friend. He's also the go to guy for several of us in the ministry. In spite of all the demands on Gene's time he makes sure he hit's the greenbelt in Plano or a trail somewhere in Texas. I've completed a triathlon with Gene, rode 100 miles with him, and trained with him. Gene runs marathons, bikes the Hotter-n-Hell, and runs 50K trail runs. He's committed. . .not just to running, but to his family. He's always there for his girls and is a great example what a godly father is and should be.
- Robert Terrell - Robert inspires me because he's a southern boy trying to start a church in Wisconsin! Who'd a thunk it? And in the midst of all that requires - especially the faith it takes to do so - he finds time to run. He runs in the snow, in the ice, in good weather and bad. The temperature makes no difference to him. How can I complain when he's out in 10-degrees of snow and wind?
so how did your 10k go?
keep up the training...the race is the gift! wish you were closer so we could do more together...HH100 is still a possibility ;-)
Your crooked feet made straight. So run Michael run... enjoy every make me smile...
Gene - miss riding and running with you. Maybe someday, eh?
Mom - yeah, who would have thought that broken feet would want to run so much? But I ain't nor Forrest!