Ugly is Ugly. . .No Matter How You Put It
My friend Grant is the uniform czar. He has a keen eye for great looking uniforms and really, really sad unis. I have my favorites and my no-so-favorites - like the unis of the Oregon Ducks (what's with that stupid looking design on their shoulder pads?). See what I mean.
Caught some of last night's battle between Louisville and West Virginia. Before I say anything, I just need to ask - What the crap was West Virginia wearing last night? They looked like they could double as safety uniforms for DOT workers on the night shift. Man, they were bright. Who comes up with this stuff? Maybe I'm just partial to their more traditional darker/white/gold trim uniforms. I don't know. I just hope they never wear these again. I'm not sure I could watch an entire game of them in the all yellow, at least not without sunglasses.
In case you missed it, here's what they looked like.

Caught some of last night's battle between Louisville and West Virginia. Before I say anything, I just need to ask - What the crap was West Virginia wearing last night? They looked like they could double as safety uniforms for DOT workers on the night shift. Man, they were bright. Who comes up with this stuff? Maybe I'm just partial to their more traditional darker/white/gold trim uniforms. I don't know. I just hope they never wear these again. I'm not sure I could watch an entire game of them in the all yellow, at least not without sunglasses.
In case you missed it, here's what they looked like.

(AP Photo/Jeff Gentner)
This is QB Pat White making a beautiful run in the 4th quarter to cinch the game for the Mountaineers. You could definitely see him on the field.
However there were a couple of redeeming things about the uni's.
First, the entire stadium was in yellow. That looked cool.
Second - they didn't try to get cute with it - they went yellow all the way. No blue pants/white pants, black shoes crap. Just yellow.
They still were fairly ugly but...the mitigated the ugliness as best they could.
The steelers are celebrating 75 years as a team and that's a long stinkin' time!!
I appreciate the the throw-back stuff as long as they don't use them often.
Then again, I'm kinda a throw-back guy.