Looking Forward to Christmas

It's hard to imagine, but I'm finally looking forward to Christmas this year. I've always loved Christmas. I get into the smells, the food, the time with family & friends, buying stuff for other people, watching children get into it. I even love the music. And, yes, I get into the reason for Christmas (sorry, I'm tired of "The reason for the season").
I love learning something new about Christmas - the birth of the Christ. I get into reading the prophets and the gospels' telling of the birth of a baby. . .a special baby. I love reading and hearing of how a dad gave his only son for me. . .of how a king came to be like me in order to die for me.
To be quite honest, I haven't looked forward to Christmas the last couple of years. For me it was a lonely time. It was a time of memories, not making them.
Not this year. I have a new wife to help me make new memories. I have a new family to share the birth of Christ with. I have a new niece and nephew I get to watch open presents. I can't tell you how much this means to me. I still have my family and friends. . .they have always been there for me and I don't want to take anything away from them. Thanks guys!
It's just different this year.
While I'm looking forward to Christmas this year, many won't be. They, too, will experience the loneliness of the season. I remember hearing a pastor once say that Christmas emphasizes everything in our lives. If we're happy, our happiness is emphasized. If we're struggling financially, our financial struggles are emphasized. And if we're lonely or hurting, our loneliness and hurts are emphasized.
God has made me sensitive to those who are hurting and lonely during the holidays. I want to ask you to be sensitive to someone, a family, a couple, who may be hurting or experiencing loneliness in so many ways. Pray for them. Include them. Encourage them. Listen to them. Be there for them.
Again, I'm looking forward to Christmas this year! Hope you will, too.
and I could not be more happy for
the TWO of you....I look forward to
all that God has in store for you as you start this new adventure together...lots to do....but you get to do them all TOGETHER...how exciting.
love you both very much....