15 Days Left!

Just 15 more days 'til Cindy and I get hitched! That's a good thing. The hard thing is waiting and finalizing all the plans - paying for them is right up there, too. Next week we're going to spend the weekend with the pastor who is going to marry us. He, laughingly, told me to bring the marriage license and he would go ahead and marry us next weekend and take all the pressure off! I can't tell you how many times I've thought about going through with it. But, alas, I can't. We've been planning this wedding for three months now - jumping through hoops, ordering stuff like crazy, driving each other crazy. I just couldn't pull the trigger. So, we will wait until Saturday, November 17th and enjoy the entire experience!
Tomorrow are the bridal pictures. It will take an entire half of a day for a couple hours of pictures. I'm not complaining. It just takes that long. Actually, I'm pretty excited about it. I can't wait to see Cindy in her dress. I know. . .I know. . .it's bad luck to see her in her dress before the wedding. Sorry I don't believe in luck or coincidence. Look, I don't need luck if God is the God of our hearts and our marriage. It's He who builds a home, not luck. So, I don't give in to all that stuff. Besides I get to get dressed up too for something other than a funeral or someone else's wedding! Yeeeeaaa!
Keep praying for us!
back up the bus!!!!
you're getting married???
oh, Mike, how cool is that!
i am SO happy for you ... may God bless you in ways far beyond your imagination!
(i guess i need to check in on your blog more often!)
Thanks for the words of encouragement.