Pet Peeve - Emails that warn me of impending . . .

I realized another pet peeve this morning. It's emails sent by friends, family, and others with great intentions that warn me of some impending devastation if I don't do something. Most of these could be stopped if we take a little time to investigate. This includes emails that look legit, but it also includes emails that tell me that bad luck will befall me, I'm not someone's friend, I don't care, or I don't love them if I don't do what the email says and send it to X-amount of people in the next 30 seconds.

I'm sorry, but if my future, friendship, and general relationships depend on me sending out ridiculous emails then I don't serve a mighty God and our relationship is pretty shaky in the first place.

Also, BEFORE sending emails to people telling them they must do or not do something or they will be doomed, check it out - Google it or go to

I've been an internet user since 1993 when we used pine and gopher and everything was still in text - back before Netscape turned the internet into pictures for visual people like me. What you forward has probably already been around - and for me I've probably already seen a couple of times.

I must admit, some of them are funny, or at least amusing. But truth be known, most are just annoying.

In the immortal words of Earl Pitts, Uhmerikan, "Wake up America! Pitts out!"



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