It's Funny, But It's Not
I'm sitting on the couch, laptop in my lap - guess that's why they call it a laptop, eh? - with screen propped up by a pillow. It's kinda funny in a way. If I don't have a pillow or something to prop up the screen it falls flat - one way or the other.
Last week I was doing some work on it when, while I was cleaning something off the screen, my remaining good hinge on my 3-year old Dell Latitude D600 finally gave way. So now my screen is either closed or open all the way - no middle ground here. If I don't have something to prop it up on I basically can't use it. Fixing the hinge is out of the question. It's three years old and I can't do without it for any length of time.
So. . .until God provides another one - maybe this time He'll provide a MacBook Pro with a duo-core processor :)- I just have to prop up the screen. I may have to start packing a pillow in my backpack.
Oh well. It still works and I'm still using it!
Last week I was doing some work on it when, while I was cleaning something off the screen, my remaining good hinge on my 3-year old Dell Latitude D600 finally gave way. So now my screen is either closed or open all the way - no middle ground here. If I don't have something to prop it up on I basically can't use it. Fixing the hinge is out of the question. It's three years old and I can't do without it for any length of time.
So. . .until God provides another one - maybe this time He'll provide a MacBook Pro with a duo-core processor :)- I just have to prop up the screen. I may have to start packing a pillow in my backpack.
Oh well. It still works and I'm still using it!