What do I do?

I'm in a bit of a quandary right now. It's the old PC v. Mac thing. My Dell Latitude D600 is fading fast. I've broken one of the hinges and it's getting a bit rusty. I've never owned anything but a Dell. I've owned a Dell P-133 desktop, an Inspiron 3500, and now my Latitude D600.

Now don't get me wrong. I have worked on Macs before. When I was in the corporate world my first word processor was an Mac Plus - we often referred to them as Mac in the Box because the monitor floppy drive and hard drive was all self-contained in this little box. But because they were so expensive to fix our company went to a PC network and I've never looked back. Besides, PCs were easy to upgrade and there was a lot more software available for PCs.

Now. . .with the advent and implementation of the dual-core processor by Apple I've reconsidered purchasing a Mac. I would love to purchase a Mac-Book Pro with the hopes of being able to run both Mac-based and Windows-based software on the same machine.

If I stay with a PC I'll stay with a Dell

If I get a Mac I'm going with a MacBook Pro

If you have any experience with making the transition, let me know. I would love some input.

By the way, isn't it funny how the pictures of each computer is in complete opposition of the other? :)



Anonymous said…
go mac all the way. i'm not just saying this as a mac fanatic. i still use a pc at church because i am forced to. if for no other reason than security the mac beats the microsoft machine. of course, there is another option that is just as good and that is to get a laptop without an os and then install a linux distro on it. linuxes security is rock solid. you can use the google apps for free to do most of your stuff or use open office on the linux machine.
MikeS said…
Rob - I was sorta thinking the same thing about the Mac. I haven't thought much about the Linux stuff. I used to be a Unix programmer. Definitely get me back into the fun, eh!?

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