Simple Delights

Not too long ago I ran across my ol' French Press coffee maker. Until then I had forgotten all about it . I've started using it again. It's not my fancy-shmancy Barista coffee maker, but it makes a smooth cup of coffee. . .and it's simple. All you do is throw some grounds in the bottom of the glass pitcher, heat up some water, add the water to the grounds, let it steep for five minutes, press the plunger to the bottom of the pitcher, and pour. What do you get for all this? Like a said, one smooth cup of coffee with no after taste. It's goooooood.

I forgot about how much I really enjoy French Press coffee. For me, It's one of those simple delights in life. It doesn't require much, just a little extra time. What do I get? A great cup of coffee. For me it's much like riding my motorcycle and feeling the wind in my face, or riding my bicycle and experiencing the child-like freedom we have to go where we want at our own pace, or hanging out at the house with a good book on html/xhtml/css with Lucy the cat in my lap (Yes, I know I'm a geek), or sipping coffee with a couple of friends - telling stories and sharing life.

This morning I was reminded that life is filled with all sorts of simple delights; little pleasures in our lives that puts a smile on our face and joy in our hearts. Don't overlook or take them for granted.

What's your "simple delight?"



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