Yesterday was the Day

Yeah, ok, so it the title should read Today is the Day! But I was busy last night so I didn't get a chance to post. So. . .it's Yesterday was the Day. "The day for what?", you may be asking yourself. Mmmmmmm. . .

If you've been tracking things here at Soakin' Up Life you know that I haven't been soakin' up very much lately because I've been so worn out. Well. . .last week the guys I meet with each week for Bible study jumped my case about not working out, running, cycling, or SOMETHING! Then, when got home yesterday a friend of mine TOLD me to get on my bike and hit the road - not suggest, told me to head out the door!

I took their advice. I hung up the phone, changed clothes, grabbed my bike and headed out the door for a 20-mile ride. What a difference 20 miles makes. The first 5-10 miles about beat me up, then I got in the groove and started pedaling and looking for places to ride. I've been scared to ride on the roads around here because people just aren't used to seeing someone pedaling a bike 90-to-nothing. Then there's those really "cool" shorts - they definitely garner their share of funny looks and stares - especially from truck drivers.

But something happened while I was riding. Something snapped - could be something snapped as in I lost it, but don't think so. . .most of you would say I've already lost it. I think - it's just my opinion - something inside of me connected with my past cycling lives and missed them very much. Cycling has been my escape for many years. I can't really tell you what happened or how, but something definitely did. During that 20-mile jaunt I resolved that Tuesday, April 3, would be the day, the day that I committed to cycling and to getting back in shape. I weigh more now than I've weighed since 2004 when I began training for the 2004 Hotter-N-Hell.

So. . .yesterday was the last hamburger for a while - at least until I get back into shape. No more fried fish, fries, and most of the southern dishes served up around these parts. Man! That's going to be the hardest part. I can keep from buying it, but I can't imagine going to Ed's Shed and not ordering fried shrimp & crawfish. That's going to be the battle of a lifetime.

Well. . .that's it. That's what this deal is all about. It's about commitment. It's about determination. It's about a lifestyle.

Wish me luck! Better yet, I could really use your prayers and words of encouragement.


Anonymous said…
Good for you!
Anonymous said…
Welcome back -
Anonymous said…
Way 2 Go Mike!! When you are done, come and rescue my butt which looks like a Shamu sighting when I wear black and white clothing. Go get'em BUGS!!

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