Randomness and discoveries of a life spent running with my hair on fire.
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I used to write a lot on my In the Midst of the Valley blog. Haven't written anything in quite a while. That's changed. I wrote something today. Will probably write more in the future.
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Anonymous said…
Your loss is by far great. What have you learned from your loss? Pain, hurt, loneness, a sense of loss of control of events in your life. Will this loss be in vain? Or, will you find new depths of compassion, empathy, patience, unselfishness, tolerance for others with different hurts and pains? There is no peace other than doing for others, encouraging others where there may be no hope..Have you found yourself or have you loss more of yourself? How do you choose to use this loss? Love more? Give more? Appreciate more? Jesus said love thy neighbor as thy self. Are you afraid to give too much, you may find more pain or will you find the courage to step out and really give of yourself to others. Isn't that what God and she would have wanted you to do? Hearts are broken and people need you....can you rise to the occasion? With compassion and care,I pray you will ...
These are comments worthy of considering. But as I read your comments I am struck by the thought that, at least in my mind, the loss I spoke of is different than the loss you are referring to.
It is my loss - not of Karen, but of that inner part of me - that causes me to be more cynical, not as trusting, and worrying more about the things Karen used to worry about. I summed up my loss by stating, "I've lost my deeper sense of trust - in God, in people, even in myself."
I was really speaking of my heart for God - my chasing after him, pursuing him, faithfully going wherever he leads me.
I wasn't speaking of my relationship with others as much as I was referring to my relationship with God. It is my heart and passion for others that continues to grow within me. As a matter of fact my web-site/blog Manheart/Man Words is a reflection of what God has been doing within me to minister to others.
Maybe I just haven't made the connection between your comments and my post.
Thanks again for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Mike, you don't know me, but I grew up at Legacy Drive (even back to the Park Tower days). I don't think I was there when you were there (I now live in North Carolina). I grew up with Amy (Seely) and came to your blog from Grant's. I have been following since you were regularly blogging on the Midst of the Valley blog. I have missed you the last few days. Your blogs are so real, genuine and often down right funny! But they are also packed with a lot of insight and wisdom. I can see your passion for Christ that you don't see in too many men these days. I hope you are back to blogging soon!!
1) Park Tower? Man, I almost forgot about those days. That was definitely before me, though I remember the staff and church leaders discussing them. I came to Legacy in '90, I think. Somewhere around there.
2) Thank you for your very encouraging words. I have begun to write more - ok so two new entries doesn't necessarily mean more - but God is giving more to consider and think about. So, I think I will be posting more on the In the Midst of the Valley blog.
Thanks again and nice to meet you.
Anonymous said…
We might have overlapped at Legacy a little. I think we left around '92 to attend Prestonwood. I live in North Carolina now but miss Texas. I just can't seem to get it out of my system!!! haha My mom was on staff at Legacy too. She probably left around the time we went to Prestonwood. Her name is Teresa Henderson, don't know if you know her either.
Anyways, loved the Baby Got Book video, too funny!!
Great blog on In The Midst of the Valley too! Keep it up!
I'm home from a week at a student camp - Camp Chaparral . I was there teaching students how God created them for a place of ministry and encouraging them to involved - somehow. . .somewhere. I was also the guest of Pam & Steve Sparks. They are wonderful friends from my Lufkin days. Steve is the Assistant Director of the camp. Better give a shout out to the staff - Hey Mike, David, Heather, Doug, Tim, Nate, Govani (spelling?) - thanks for a great week. These guys work really, really hard to make your camp stay the greatest. And it was. But I'm exhausted! I'm beginning to wonder if I'm getting too old for this kind of thing? The worship was great - thanks to the brown band ! Hey Michell, Gabi, Rooster, Noah, and #14. They'll get it. Jon Randles really challenged us with his messages - 7 Marks of a Disciple . Need a speaker that speaks truth with wisdom? Get Randles. College or students. He's good. But the late nights and early mornings - WHEW!! ...
I was listening to one of the local radio stations - kwyq, The Way FM, this morning on the way to the office. They were asking the question, "If you could live in a totally Christian community would you?" Responses varied. I would be interested in knowing what you think. So. . .I pose the question to you. . . If you could live in a totally Christian community would you? Why or why not? I can't wait to read your responses. Mike
Yeah, ok, so it the title should read Today is the Day! But I was busy last night so I didn't get a chance to post. So. . .it's Yesterday was the Day . " The day for what? ", you may be asking yourself. Mmmmmmm. . . If you've been tracking things here at Soakin' Up Life you know that I haven't been soakin' up very much lately because I've been so worn out. Well. . .last week the guys I meet with each week for Bible study jumped my case about not working out, running, cycling, or SOMETHING! Then, when got home yesterday a friend of mine TOLD me to get on my bike and hit the road - not suggest, told me to head out the door! I took their advice. I hung up the phone, changed clothes, grabbed my bike and headed out the door for a 20-mile ride. What a difference 20 miles makes. The first 5-10 miles about beat me up, then I got in the groove and started pedaling and looking for places to ride. I've been scared to ride on the roads arou...
These are comments worthy of considering. But as I read your comments I am struck by the thought that, at least in my mind, the loss I spoke of is different than the loss you are referring to.
It is my loss - not of Karen, but of that inner part of me - that causes me to be more cynical, not as trusting, and worrying more about the things Karen used to worry about. I summed up my loss by stating, "I've lost my deeper sense of trust - in God, in people, even in myself."
I was really speaking of my heart for God - my chasing after him, pursuing him, faithfully going wherever he leads me.
I wasn't speaking of my relationship with others as much as I was referring to my relationship with God. It is my heart and passion for others that continues to grow within me. As a matter of fact my web-site/blog Manheart/Man Words is a reflection of what God has been doing within me to minister to others.
Maybe I just haven't made the connection between your comments and my post.
Thanks again for sharing.
1) Park Tower? Man, I almost forgot about those days. That was definitely before me, though I remember the staff and church leaders discussing them. I came to Legacy in '90, I think. Somewhere around there.
2) Thank you for your very encouraging words. I have begun to write more - ok so two new entries doesn't necessarily mean more - but God is giving more to consider and think about. So, I think I will be posting more on the In the Midst of the Valley blog.
Thanks again and nice to meet you.
Anyways, loved the Baby Got Book video, too funny!!
Great blog on In The Midst of the Valley too! Keep it up!
Nice meeting you too!