
Ever feel overwhelmed? You know, like everything's coming down around you and you're really getting tired of treading water just to keep your head above the waves. That's kind of how I've been feeling lately. I think that's why I've been so tired. To use an old illustration, I feel like I have all these balls I'm trying to keep in the air and I'm so afraid that, not just one, but all them will come crashing down around me. Then what do I do?

Here's a sample of what I'm talking about:
  • I'm selling a bunch of my stuff - like an estate sale - so I need to get everything ready, cleaned out, boxed up, and priced.
  • I'm selling my house in July and moving to a smaller place in west Mobile (or at least that's the plan). I spend a lot of time there already and I don't need such a big place that takes so much of my time to keep up. It was much easier when Karen was alive because the two of of could knock out the yard and the house cleaning pretty easily. By myself it's more than twice as difficult. Well. . . in order to sell it I have to get it ready which means changing out things, touching up some paint, new carpet in the living room, hallway, and bedrooms, and the yard's got to get back into shape.
  • I've got to get a handle on my finances. I have great intentions, but I hate messing with the details of tracking expenses, mileage, paying bills, budgeting, etc. That was Karen's thing and she did it well. I'm not so good at it, so the details quickly overwhelm me.
  • Writing - I have begun at least two writing projects, but can't find the time nor the energy to get into them. By the time I get home at night I don't even want to pull out my laptop. So they're just sitting there.
  • Small Groups and Singles ministry - lots to do here and the administration part of the job is wearing me out. Especially since I would rather be out with the guys in our small groups and singles ministry. Love hanging out with them - that's the fun part.
  • Selling the car - just got to find time to get it out in public to sell it. I've decided not to sell the truck. Need something to haul my bike in and it's dependable and a man's got to have a truck.
  • Web site - need to update the ManHeart Ministries web site. Just haven't felt like it or had the creative juices flowing to make the changes.
  • Time for me - ain't none! I don't leave much time to get on the bike or to run or to work out and I'm too tired to do anything but sleep when I do get home.
Am I a mess or what? So. . today the house will get a swiping at - bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming, floors, etc., then I will spend some time for ME! I'm going to sit and work things out. . .put them on paper. . and make a plan to begin slowly tackling them.

And those balls. . .so what if they hit the floor. . .I'll just pick them up and start over, eh?

Wish me luck!!



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