A.D.D. and Note Taking
It's tough being the A.D.D. guy on staff and the note taker. It's not that it's not good. It is. I take notes of almost every meeting I'm in. I have to or else I'll check out. Notes keep me connected to the speaker or the conversation. Notes allow me to keep track and to add ideas that pop into my brain. But I can go too far. If I don't check out every now and then, I exhaust myself. I definitely over did it at the staff retreat. Not a bad thing, just the result of productive interaction and flying ideas. To keep up with everything I had to stay connected and couldn't check out for a moment. It was good, just tiring for me.
Well. . .got to get to bed to rest me weary head. Heading into the office in the morning and have a lot to do. Need what little of my brain I have left.
May God bless and challenge you like He's blessing and challenging me.
Later 'Gator,
Well. . .got to get to bed to rest me weary head. Heading into the office in the morning and have a lot to do. Need what little of my brain I have left.
May God bless and challenge you like He's blessing and challenging me.
Later 'Gator,