Routines and Vacation

Getting back into the routine of things after being off for a week pretty much sucks. I'm heading back into the office this morning after a week off and I'm not doing so well.

If you're like me you stay up later, sleep in later, and don't do as much as you normally do when you're used to going into work. Well. . .that's me. Last week I did very little, except hang out with people - I'm pretty good at that. Now, I've got to get up and get going and my body's rejecting what my mind knows is supposed to happen - get up between 5:30 - 6:00 am, animals, eat, quiet time, dress. Ain't happenin' here folks. . .at least not today.

What about you? Do you have trouble jumping back into things after some time off? If not, then how do you keep from it? I can use all the help I can get.



Anonymous said…
Twas the day after Christmas and all thru my house not a kid was stirring not even my spouse. When what to my ears did I suddenly hear, but an alarm clock Clattering "Getter in gear". I arose in a hurry to shut-up the clatter, then off to the bathroom to relieve my bladder. With a quick shave and shower all inside an hour, I knew in an instant... MY PARTY WAS OVER!! Thank you Adam and Eve. I prefer the vacation over the routine anyday of the week.
Anonymous said…
Very funny and creative use of poetry!

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