The Week from . . .

This is one of those weeks that straps you physically, mentally, relationally, and spiritually. Here's my schedule so far:

Sunday - 6:00 am to pray with Pastor and Pastor's Prayer Partners, then off to worship, Bible Study, lunch, home - change, back for evening worship

Monday - hospitals, Monday afternoon meeting with pastors to go over guest list and make assignments, getting ready for Starting Point (new members' dinner), outreach that night, Wal-Mart, home, eat, crash

Tuesday - morning - staff meeting, pick up trailer and hay with student & senior adult pastors for Fall FUNtastic, lunch with pastors, work on re-formatting Starting Point document for afternoon meeting to re-structure content, meeting to re-arrange content for Starting Point, work on document some more, home to get in a quick 3 mile run, back to church for Fall FUNtastic, head home about 9:30-ish, crash

Here's what the rest of the week looks like:

Wednesday - finalize Starting Point document for pastor's review and his presentation, meeting with GROW Team to timeline events for first 4 months of 2007, lunch sometime, prepare for Single Men's Bible study, ABF Curriculum Team meeting, Sinlge Men's Bible study

Thursday - prepare for Starting Point - tech, books, set up, etc., lunch with area ed guys, Starting Point dinner, clean up/tear down, home to crash (and get an easy run in there some time)

Friday - clean house, finalize lesson for Saturday's Bible Study with 20-30 singles, rest - if possible, try to get new web site/blog up and running, packet pick up & pasta dinner with the Coles

Saturday - run 10k, rest, 20-30s singles Bible study

So you see - this week I really am soakin' up life at a 100 mph. Running with my hair on fire. Loving every minute of it. Don't you wish you were me? Probably not.

Hey, it's Michael Shipp, not Michael Jackson, OK?! Get away from me with that jerry curl!!


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