Weather and Flying

I love to fly. I started flying when I was 3-months old. Been flying ever since. I've been on jumbo-jets, props, express jets. . .you name it, I've probably flown on it. Here's a few things I don't like about flying:

  1. Food - I don't like airplane food. I don't care how they disguise it or what they call it. It's just as bad, if not worse, than hospital food. On one trip we were having to prepare for a crash landing into D/FW airport and the one thing that kept going through my mind was, "God, don't let this be my last meal. NOT airplane food!" We landed safely and I've eaten pretty well since.
  2. Cramped Seating - I just can't get comfortable on a plane. Even when I sit on a single seat on express jets it doesn't seem like I can get comfortable. I have to be pretty tired to get comfortable.
  3. Weather - While I love flying, it's pretty dependent on the weather. I'm sitting in the Gulf Port Airport now writing this because of the weather - very bad here this morning and bad winds in Houston now.
  4. Bad Flight Attendants - I hate it when they think hey are doing me the favor - they're getting paid for it. I do remember running into a guy who was having a bad day. I reminded him that God was in control anyway. He smiled and thanked me for the reminder. Got an extra Coke and bag or peanuts for that.
  5. Terminal B at Bush Intercontinental - It's too spread out and congested at the same time.
  6. Cost of stuff at the airports - It's a racket, you know what I'm talking about. It's kinda like the text book racket - anyone whose had to buy a text book knows what I'm talking about.
  7. Crying Babies on Planes - I know they can't help it and usually I'm pretty good about it, but man can they get on your nerves after a while.
  8. Jerks on Planes - Just want to take them out back and leave 'em!
Things I do like:
  1. Exress Jets - Get up and get on with it. You're there in no time without the crowds of larger aircraft.
  2. Small Airports - Mobile is really nice. Big enough that everyone's not standing on top of everyone else, but small enough you can get through it pretty quick, especially if you're in a hurry.
  3. Meeting New People - It's the best place in the world to meet new people. Most people I've met have been pretty nice. It's like we're all in the same boat so why not get along?
  4. Great Flight Attendants - One thing that makes a good flight a great flight is the people who serve you. I love it when they smile, talk to you, and act like they're having a good time. It makes the flight better for everyone.
  5. Time - Gets me there a lot faster than driving and I hate spending my precious time on the road. I want to get there. Yeah, patience is not one of my gifts.
All righty then. . .you've got mine, what's your pet peeves and likes about flying?

Up, up, and away!!! Yeah, I'm still waiting.



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