Pics from My Trip
Well, I'm finally getting around to uploading some pictures from my trip to Santa Fe, NM. Here they are.

My ticket stub which shows my original departure time from Gulfport, MS. The first leg of my trip - 12:21pm

Here's my watch showing what time it was when I took the picture - 4:15 pm
We eventually took off around 5:45 pm. Got to my hotel room around 1:00 am on Thursday.

Here's my watch showing what time it was when I took the picture - 4:15 pm
We eventually took off around 5:45 pm. Got to my hotel room around 1:00 am on Thursday.

Here's the lobby of the Inn of the Governors. It's where we hung out during our time in Santa Fe. Thumbs up for these guys for comfort and service.

Tomasita's - one of the restaurants where we at lunch one day. It was some kinda good!

Here is the sun rising over the mountains just east of Albuquerque. Caught this picture as we were taking off. Cool, huh?

Great food + great fun + great friends = Great Time!!