PC v. Mac
I have to admit something. . .lately I've been considering getting a Mac. I know, I know, some of you are saying, "What are you thinking?" Other are proclaiming, "Come. . .Come to the light!" Didn't think much about it, but a couple of our pastors are Mac freaks - most Mac users are. I have experience in both. When I was in the corporate world my first taste of word processing was on a Mac Plus (see pic to the right). It's where I learned Microsoft Word and Excel.
Later on, I moved to PCs and haven't turned back, especially since it cost less to buy a new Mac than to have it repaired. And I could fix and upgrade PCs.
But now, Mac's operating system is Unix based so it appears to be more stable. And I like it's ease of use. I don't like that they don't have a backspace key and there's not as many software packages created for the Mac as there is for the PC - Like Microsoft's Frontpage for editing web pages. I know there's other software, but Frontpage is nice and pretty easy to use. I also don't like the fact that they cost so much more than PCs.
Ran across this comparison one day and it got me to thinking about it more. Sooo. . .do I go Mac or stay PC?
Let me know what you think - in the words of The Clash, "Should I stay or should I go?"

Later on, I moved to PCs and haven't turned back, especially since it cost less to buy a new Mac than to have it repaired. And I could fix and upgrade PCs.
But now, Mac's operating system is Unix based so it appears to be more stable. And I like it's ease of use. I don't like that they don't have a backspace key and there's not as many software packages created for the Mac as there is for the PC - Like Microsoft's Frontpage for editing web pages. I know there's other software, but Frontpage is nice and pretty easy to use. I also don't like the fact that they cost so much more than PCs.
Ran across this comparison one day and it got me to thinking about it more. Sooo. . .do I go Mac or stay PC?
Let me know what you think - in the words of The Clash, "Should I stay or should I go?"