Big Run Day

Today was the big test - my first 3-miler in over 2 1/2 years. I had several questions running through the back of my mind (no pun intended).
  • Could I go the entire 3 miles?
  • How would my knee hold up?
  • If it did hold up, how would it feel?
  • How would I feel?
It was about 67-degrees this morning when I took off. I was shooting for anything around a 10-minute mile ~ 30 minutes for the entire 3 miles. So how did I do?

  • 1st mile - 8:33
  • 2nd mile - 9:07
  • 3rd mile - 8:50
  • Total - 26:31
  • Average - 8:50/mile
I was very surpised at my first mile time. I was like, "Holy Cow!" The second mile I could tell I was a little off. Then the third mile really surprised me. Overall, my time was way better than I had anticipated.

  • Was feeling great until about 1.5 mark, then I began to feel a little twinge & stiffness
  • By the 2-mile mark, not prob
  • After run - no worries
  • Felt great
  • Was able to pick up the pace the last half mile
  • Afterward I felt good - did some stretching, then grabbed a bite to eat.
Overall assessment: Today's run was a good run. 3 Miles may not be a big deal to you, but it is a big deal to me. For someone who has always enjoyed lacing up the sneakers and heading out the door and not being able to do it for so loing, it's like a dream come true.

I did it and I look forward to doing it again. I just hope I'm ready for the 10K in November. :)

Runnin' On,


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