Let this serve as a health warning!

DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT listen to AC/DC Live if you are planning on running your easy Saturday run, unless. . .
  • You're already running 3-4 days a week (I've taken about a week and a half off)
  • You have been running and want to push your heart rate up and time down
  • You haven't been running much, but want to see what you're made of
  • You're a masochist and just like pain (I think that's me)
  • You just love AC/DC and don't really care about easy runs
I finished my run before Angus and the boys from down under completed their first three songs - Thunderstruck, Shoot to Thrill, & Back in Black. I was fast, but every nerve in my body was screaming when I finished. Alright, I'll admit it, I like the feeling at the end of a run when I've pushed myself.

So. . .it's up to you. Heed the warning and enjoy, or don't heed the warning and feel the pain, then smile really big for pushing yourself.



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