Kids!! Wel. . .ok, Pets!

This morning I had to get up and take Dakota, my German Shepherd, to the vet.
(Here's a picture of Dakota and Sadie)
You know. . .at least with children you can get insurance. Ol' Baby 'Kota cost me an arm and a leg for shots and medicine for her ear - she gets ear infections very easy, parents ought to know what that's like, eh? I told her I was going to put tubes in her ears. She just looked at me funny. I also got flea medicine and some heartworm medicine for all the dogs.
With all the animals I have I'm going to have to take out a loan just for their annual checkups.
Well, it's one down and four more to go. The rest just get their shots. Hopefully it won't be too bad.
Anyone need a kid. . .er, I mean pet? :)