Superman Returns!

Welllll Alrighty Then!
I think I've got just about everything done. Doesn't matter now anyway. Dad and Jane are on their way. But I did get the house cleaned, paid bills (big one for me - I usually forget then have to pay them in a hurry so they won't be late), got the yard cleaned, got a hair cut - thanks Diane at The Mustard Seed, great job, served our ladies Thursday night, AND . . . (drum roll please)
So what did I think? Hmmmm. . .
Let me say up front, I'm not that harsh of a critic. If it keeps moving and entertains me, I'm usually ok with it. With that said, I thought it was pretty good. I think it's a movie you either like or don't. Friends I went with didn't like it. Others said it was good. You will have to make up your own mind.
I liked the movie. Would I go see it again, probably not. Will I buy it - nope. But it succeeded in entertaining me, so I was pleased. If you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want to know anything about it now's a good time to close your eyes and scroll down :) . I wish there would have been more substance to the ending. You're just left hanging there. Superman doesn't do anything to Lex Luthor for being a bad boy and nearly killing Superman and you don't know for sure where his relationship with Lois is going. These kinds of things frustrate me. This isn't 24! I spent $8 plus popcorn and a drink to leave things dangling? OK, so they set me up for another movie. Gotta give 'em props for that. But still! Oh! And he finds out he has a son. Hmmm. . .Superboy?!
This brings me to something else I thought about. Just before Superman left, he and Lois spend the night together. Now stay with me here. . .if Superman stands for truth, justice, morality and all that's good about humanity, etc., etc., etc., then how did he and Lois have a son? Waaiiittt a minute. You mean he and Lois got their freak on before he left?! So how does that line up? According to the "official" Superman Homepage they were married - if that's so she's living with another man. If they weren't married, then I think you know where I'm going. And she's still not married in this movie though she lives with a man who she claims is the boy's father. I don't know about you, but where's the morality in this? Is this our culture infiltrating our beloved superheroes? Just something to think about.
There's some good humor and some one-liners that are pretty entertaining. Kept me in the movie anyway.
So go see it and let me know what you think.